Dear Friends,
I am thrilled to be welcoming all of you to the 2023 Sunshine Key West Challenge presented by Sunshine Gasoline Distributors! After more than a year in isolation, it’s incredibly gratifying to reconnect with our community of supporters, as well as friends, old and new, in the safest way possible. This longstanding event has helped raise over one million dollars for the cure-focused work of the Diabetes Research Institute. We would not be where we are today without compassionate people like you.
We lived by the mantra “Hope Isn’t Quarantined” throughout the pandemic, and our mission to find a cure for diabetes continued. DRI scientists worked virtually from their home offices, writing research papers and moving critical experiments forward while socially distancing in the lab. As one of our scientists, Dr. Chris Fraker, who lives with Type l diabetes himself, has said, “This disease doesn’t stop, and we’re not stopping either.”
The pandemic has underscored the urgent need to cure diabetes now, as we know how vulnerable the diabetes community is to COVID-19 complications. We will continue advancing research to patients until we reach our ultimate goal of a cure. This is our mission and our promise to you.
The ongoing support of Shell, Shell Lubricants and Motiva Enterprises, Sunshine Gasoline Distributors, and people like Crystal Blaylock and John Sanchez and their sons, Matthew and Cameron, as well as all of the hardworking people who helped to make this event a success, is what enables us to continuously move forward.
With your help, we will find a cure for millions of people, including Matthew Sanchez, living with type l diabetes. Thank you so much for being here and for your tremendous support. Enjoy the weekend in Key West and be safe.3

To learn more about the Diabetes Research Institute,
please visit or call 1-800-321-3437